SHE Management
- In 1991, we announced our new policy ECO YHES and became the first corporation in Korea to implement a policy on comprehensive safety, health and the environment. And to fulfill our social responsibilities and at the same time, achieve sustainability, Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division has adopted a management practice that protects the environment and human health.
Yes! Health, Environment & Safety. The letters are set against the backdrop of a green forest symbolizing sustainability & social responsibility.
- To achieve sustainable business growth and fulfill our social responsibilities, we have adopted safety, health and the environment (SHE) as our core values in business and pledge to work on the following.
- 01 Building an advanced SHE management system and seeking sustainable performance improvement in business, with SHE as our top management priority.
- 02 Managing all resource and energy used in our business from its source to ensure the most effective use of the energy resources and reduction of any pollution to the Environment.
- 03 Continuously striving to improve and provide a safe and pleasant working environment for our employees to protect their health and minimize risk of injury, reducing accidents and property loss.
- 04 Realizing a mature SHE culture that satisfies all stakeholders, from our employees, local communities, customers, to the government, while complying to all relevant laws and regulations.
SHE Mission, Vision, Strategy
SHE Mission, Vision, Strategy details
Mission |
Contribute to the sustainable future society by achieving sustainable development and fulling our social responsibilities, through mature SHE activities. |
Vision |
Leader in Global SHE |
Three Strategies and Six Mid-to-Long Term Strategic Tasks to Achieve Our Vision
Three Strategies and Six Mid-to-Long Term Strategic Tasks to Achieve Our Vision
Strategy |
1. System Level Up |
2. Strengthen Risk Management |
3. Enhance Mindset |
Stragegic Task |
1) SHE management system integration and sophistication (7 sub strategic tasks) |
3) Strengthen accident prevention and response activities (4 sub strategic tasks) |
5) Establish voluntary safety management culture (2 sub strategic tasks) |
2) Strengthen safety management system for our business partners and construction projects (2 sub strategic tasks) |
4) Compliance (4 sub strategic tasks) |
6) Strengthen Risk identification capability (3 sub strategic tasks) |
Safety and Health Management
Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division obtained the (OHSAS 18001) certificate in health and safety management. The certificate was in recognition of our preventive measures including our efforts to organize subcommittees for each of our business areas and for our work to implement an effective system to create and maintain a safe and pleasant work environment. We are focused on spreading our health and safety management system and culture across the entire organization. We have also implemented the “Ten Golden Safety Rules” and a “three-strikes” system for employees or business partners to provide guidance and to ensure compliance with the rules and regulations.
- 2020 Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division Yeosu Plant selected as best workplace for safety management in Yeosu City
- 2020 Ministry of Employment and Labor, Minister’s Commendation for Honorary Industrial Safety Supervisor, Best case presentation
- 2019 Laboratory Safety Merit Award from Minister of Science and ICT
- 2017 Industrial Merit Award from Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
- 2016 Gas Safety Award from Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy
- 2015 Lab Safety Day’s Best Lab Award from the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
- 2013 Safety Culture Award from the Ministry of Security and Public Administration
- 2013 Ministry of Employment and Labor Commendation for Safety & Health
- 2012 Prime Minister’s Commendation - Korea Safety Award
Safety and Health Key Activities
Establish System-Based Environment Safety Management
To proactively respond to future changes in Digital Transformation (DT), we have introduced the SHE Portal, which enables a scientific and advanced decision-making system that is based on data analysis. Through work automation and rapid information sharing, we can maximize SHE work productivity, as well as identify and eliminate potential safety hazards in advance.
SHE Portal
- Change management
- initiate change, committee, check before operation
- Environment management
- Air, Water, Waste Management
- Safety management
- Accidents, Jobs, Training/education, Management
- Health management
- Health checkup, Provide care for employees with health concerns
- PSM management
- Process safety information management
*Captured by SHE Portal
Enhance Safety Mindset
Every year, we quantitively assess the safety awareness level of our employees to identify areas that need improvement. We also implement change management on employee awareness level and safety behavior, to prevent accidents and further promote an advanced safety culture. Since 2020, we have included our business partners and their employees in our assessment of the safety awareness level, which enables us to secure safety from a more diverse perspective on the field and make necessary improvements. To further sharpen safety awareness of our employees, we share stories on major accidents from both within and outside of our company, and also made our safety training courses more hands-on, interactive and discussion based.
Strengthen Accident Prevention and Emergency Response Capability
Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division conducts SHE education on a regular basis with all our employees. A more specialized training is provided for those in charge of each unit, to enhance our overall environment safety capability. Practice drills are exercised for specific emergency situations, including fire and hazardous chemical substance leakage, following a detailed crisis management manual to systematically and effectively respond to diverse emergency situations. A team specializing in identifying accident risks and making necessary corrections is at work, conducting real-time safety diagnosis of the work sites. Real-time monitoring of enclosed spaces, moving CCTV for site surveillance and other smart accident prevention systems have been set up to prevent accidents.
[Real-time monitoring of enclosed spaces]
[Emergency training on chemical substance leakage]
Environmental Management
In 1995, Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division obtained environmental management system (ISO-14001) certification by initiating an international environmental management pilot – a first for the nation of South Korea. And through continuous environmental improvement projects and eco-friendly management using a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) approach, Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division has maintained its status and recognition as a green company by the Korean Ministry of Environment.
- 2019 Best Environmental Management System Company
- 2018 Jang Young-sil Award for developing eco-friendly plasticizer(eco-DEHCH) form Ministry of Science and ICT
- 2016 Gas Safety Grand Prize from Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
- 2015 Best Green Climate Award from International Climate Change Forum
- 2014 CDP Korea Climate Change Carbon Management Special Award
- 2013 Sustainable Management Award (Environment category) from Korea Environmental Sustainability Commitee
- 2013 Best Pilot Emission Trading Project (Industry Development category) from Korea Energy Agency
- 2012 New & Renewable Energy Award (Ministry of Knowledge Economy)
Responding to Climate Change
We recognize that climate change is another opportunity for growth, rather than just a crisis. And that is why we strive to achieve carbon neutrality through low carbon business practice and continuous reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Mid-to-Long Term Vision and Goal
Mid-to-Long Term Vision and Goal
Vision |
Achieve sustainable eco-friendly growth through energy · material technology-based solution |
Goal |
Effectively response to climate change with a management system focusing on eco-friendly energy |
Strategies and Key Tasks
Strategies and Key Tasks
Build eco-friendly management system |
- Set mid-to-long term goal for greenhouse gas reduction and carbon neutrality
- Set up an eco-friendly business management organization
- Establish an integrated management system for greenhouse gas and energy control
Reduce greenhouse gas |
- Reduce emissions by improving energy efficiency
- Develop technology on CO₂ capture and utilization
- Develop technology on eco-friendly energy such as solar and hydrogen
Establish external partnership |
- Strengthen low carbon marketing
- Develop domestic and overseas carbon offset project
- Actively engages in government policies and programs
- Disclose climate-related information (Sustainability report, etc.)
2050 Net Zero

2050 Net Zero Implementation Strategy
SCOPE 1, 2 (Business sites) |
SCOPE 3 (Value Chain) |
2050 Net Zero Implementation Strategy
Improve energy efficiency |
Introduce renewable energy-powered electricity |
Transition to hydrogen-based fuels |
Carbon Capture & Utilization (CCU) |
Building a circular economy and introducing eco-friendly raw materials |
Develop Eco-Friendly Product and Technology
For a sustainable tomorrow, Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division develops eco-friendly technology and designs products that are safe for our employees and customers.
- 2021 Supply of hydrogen to fuel vehicles
- 2021 Expand plant for premium eco-friendly plasticizer (Eco-DEHCH)
- 2021 Selected as lead company in the national project on developing naphta production technology based on waste plastic pyrolysis oil for the technology development on waste plastic recycling
- 2020 Signed MOU with Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) on plastic circular economy
- 2020 Secured production based for green hydrogen (Signed MOU with Gangwondo-Province and Korea Gas Technology Corporation (KGTC) on strengthening the competitiveness of hydrogen industry ecosystem in Gangwondo-Province)
- 2018 Jang Young-sil Award for the development of eco-friendly plasticizer (eco-DEHCH) from Ministry of Science and ICT
- 2017 Started commercial production of phthalate-free premium eco-friendly plasticizer (Eco-DEHCH)
With hydrogenation, we have developed the technology for and are commercially producing high-performing eco-friendly plasticizer that does not contain phthalate or any other similar toxic material.
[Plastic degrading technology]
We are a leader in technology development for a new circular economy that minimizes the environmental impact of discarded plastic, while making efficient and sustainable use of the limited resources.
- Developed Plastic to Chemical (PTC) technology, which degrades waste plastic and turns it into base materials for new plastic
- Developed high-functional, white bioplastics that uses bio-based materials
[Hydrogen business]
Hydrogen energy does not emit any environment pollutants and can be produced from water. It is welcomed as a clean energy source that will resolve future energy and environment problems. Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division developed a technology that produces hydrogen in an eco-friendly manner, and is working on setting up the infrastructure to cover the entire process of hydrogen from production, storage to transportation.
- Developed water electrolysis technology that uses electrochemical reaction to produce hydrogen and oxygen from water.
Secure synergy with business that penetrates the entire value chain of green hydrogen production
Developed and commercialized water electrolysis technology. Hydrogen storage tank and distribution business
- Hydrogen production
- Renewable energy
- Water electrolysis
- Hydrogen storage / Distribution
- Hydrogen compressor
- Hydrogen storage containers
- Hydrogen charging
- Charging system
[Sustainability Certification]
We promote sustainable products by obtaining sustainability certification (ISCC+, GRS and etc.) for a circular economy.
Reducing the Burden on the Environment
Recognizing how serious the environmental pollution is, we continuously work on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in order to minimize all pollutant emissions during production.
- Signing of voluntary accord on reducing find dust
By signing the voluntary accord on reducing find dust, we are actively working with the Ministry of Environment to reduce domestic find dust, to protect people’s health and ensure safety against the pollution. As part of these activities, we are installing more preventive facilities, such as the low NOx burners, to reduce nitrogen oxide emissions, which are monitored real-time in order to optimized the facility’s operation. When find dust occurs in massive quantity, the facility operation hours are adjusted to meet the demands of reducing emissions.
Signed voluntary accord on reducing find dust
- Waste water management
Each plant operates its own water quality analysis lab; the pH, COD, SS levels of the waste water from each production process are measured daily. A GC-MS* device is installed to simultaneously analyze 11 types of designated hazardous substances; their concentration levels before the final discharge at the plant are measured, analyzed and strictly controlled to stay below 30% of the legally permitted levels at all times. To manage nonpoint pollution sources within a plant, CCTVs have been installed at all final rain water drop pipes; a pH-meter monitors the water quality; and should any hazardous substances be detected, the polluted water is sent back to the waste water treatment facility thought a sump, effectively blocking hazardous substances to leak outside the plant.
Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer
Constructed waste water reusage facility at Yeosu Plant
(3,600 tons/day)
- Chemical Management
- Chemical Integrated Management System to manage chemical substance throughout their whole lifecycle
- Chemicals Preview System* to ensure safe handling and management of chemicals
All chemical products, sold in Korea or overseas, are reviewed for their harmfulness/risk to check their safety and to minimize their impact to the environment.
- Robust facility management and response system to prevent chemical accidents
* Chemicals Preview System
Checks safety and legal compliance of chemicals to protect our employees and to avoid use of toxic substance as base materials in products
(Search chemical information > Environment safety review > Purchase and use chemical in production after acquiring approval > Chemical history tracking)
- Environment-related activities through win-win partnerships
- Hanwha Solutions Chemical Division is working with an eco-friendly start-up and the World Trade Center Seoul (WTCS) to install IoT plastic PET bottle collecting bins at the COEX mall. By having consumers experience the circular economy for plastics first hand, we hope more people will adopt the practice of recycling transparent plastics.
install IoT plastic PET bottle collecting bins at the COEX mall